Meditation is a valuable tool to add to your arsenal of self help and manifesting practices. I was diagnosed with anxiety at age 16. I was on a myriad of medications for the first few years. I ended up going off and on these medications until my mid 20s, never feeling like anything truly workedRead the Post
Excuses & Refinding Your Purpose
Lately, I’ve been feeling sluggish and limited. I’ve had zero motivation. I’ve told myself a million excuses. And then I snapped the eff out of it. The past year or so I’ve played the part of a wellness & fitness coach in my community. I have helped people lose weight and find their specific formulaeRead the Post
Stop Feeling Guilty About Food
Do you feel guilty every time you sit down to a meal? Do you get anxiety about the foods you eat? I’m here to tell you that everything will be OK. Food is not a negative thing. You need to banish all thought of food being bad. It’s a neutral entity. Just like money. DoRead the Post